About Upendo Bahari

Who is Upendo Bahari

Upendo Bahari is an organization started by Anthony Kangethe who is building a team of change-makers who believe that every helping hand can improve the lives of children and people in need to create a better future for them.

Upendo Bahari was started unofficially in December 2020 by assisting an orphaned girl and her brother with tuition fees and food. Since then we have expanded to donate a motorcycle truck for local young men who formed a self-help group. We have been buying land properties to farm cabbages, onions, and potatoes.

We also have been drilling for water with a borehole drill and have provided water for crops and animals as well as water for sanitation, hand washing for covid prevention and much more.

A motorbike was donated to a self-help group that is providing a well to this farm.
Plowing our farm
Drilling a borehole well
Growing Cabbages on our farm

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